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====== COSTNET17 conference, Palma de Mallorca, October 25-27, 2017 ====== ===== Speakers ===== * [[|Tiago P. Peixoto]] (University of Bath, UK) <sup>to be confirmed</sup> * [[|Peter F. Stadler]] (Leipzig University, Germany) * [[|Anna Traveset]] (IMEDEA, Spain) ===== Venue and Organization ===== The venue is the [[|Palma campus]] of the [[|University of the Balearic Islands]]. The conference is organized by members of [[|IFISC]] (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) * Konstantin Klemm (chair) * Jorge P. Rodríguez ===== Draft program ===== * **Wednesday (Oct 25)** * morning: welcome, conference talks * afternoon: one WG meeting, poster session * **Thursday (Oct 26)** * morning: conference talks * afternoon: one WG meeting, excursion / sightseeing * **Friday (Oct27)** * morning: one WG meeting, summary / closing * afternoon: MC meeting ===== Important dates ===== * Mar31 registration / abstract submission open * Apr03 call for contributions * Aug01 selection of contributed talks * Sep01 detailed program available * Oct25 conference begins ===== Posters ===== The session of poster contributions will be an opportunity for all participants to draw attention to their work.

ev/2017/pdm.1490887088.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/30 17:18 by konstantin